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Domestic Animals

Long-Haired Akitas 101: The Ultimate Guide to Fluffy Elegance

Akita are one beautiful breed of dogs, and we are all familiar with the regular short hair Akita’s, and only a few people know that long-haired Akita exist. In this article, I will list everything you need to know about long haired Akita



long haired akita
long haired akita

Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by israel olaniran

Akita is one beautiful breed of dog, and we are all familiar with the regular short hair Akita’s, and only a few people know that long-haired Akita exist. In this article, I will list everything you need to know about long haired Akita. Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list to get freebies and notifications whenever we post.

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Akita: Dog Breed

The Akita (秋田犬, Akita-inu, Japanese pronunciation: [akʲita.inɯ]) is a dog breed of large size originating from the mountainous regions of northern Japan. The two separate varieties of Akita are a Japanese strain, commonly called Akita Inu (inu means dog in Japanese) or Japanese Akita, and an American strain, known as the Akita or American Akita.

[2] The Japanese strain occurs in a narrow palette of colors, with all other colors considered atypical of the breed, while the American strain comes in all dog colors.[3] The Akita has a short double coat similar to that of many other northern spitz breeds such as the Siberian Husky, but long-coated dogs can also be found in many litters due to a recessive gene.Wikipedia

Akita was used for royalties in the time past, they are good to bear hunters and they are very very respectful and loyal to their owners. Akita isn’t really friendly with unfamiliar faces. If trained well they make a good watchdog.

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What is a Long Haired Akita?

The long hair Akita is a breed or specie of Akita that have long hairs, there is however no major difference between long-haired Akita and regular Akita apart from that of the hair length, which is usually up to 5 inches in length.

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Pictures/Photos of Long Haired Akita

Difference between a Long coat (haired) Akita and regular Akita

The major difference between long haired Akita and regular Akita is the difference in coat or fur size (mainly length). There are a few more differences but they aren’t as notable as the length e.g bone size e.t.c


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long haired Akita is more fluffy than regular Akita, they are bigger in size, and have more muscular bodies.

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Characteristics of a long haired (coat) Akita

Long haired Akita’s are only a little bit larger than the regular Akita, this might be ranging from 1-5cm in height and 3-5 kg in weight for both the Dogs (males) and Bitches (females).

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Height and Weight of an Akita

Weight27–42 kg (60–92 lb)25–36 kg (55–80 lb)
Height64–69 cm (25–27 in)58–64 cm (23–25 in)

Life Span of an Akita (Long haired Akita)

Akita’s live a long dog life, they live up to a decade. they live an average of 10-14 years

Note: Life span varies as a result of different factors such as diet and exercise and also history.

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Is an Akita a good family dog?

Yes, Akita’s are good family dogs, it is advisable to ensure that the children in the family are grown enough to know how to treat a dog well to avoid stories that touch.

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How to Take Care of an Akita

Taking care of long haired Akita is as easy as taking care of regular Akita, the only difference is the need to pay more attention to their hairs and furs.

  • They need regular brushing: brushing the furs of Akitas helps them get read of dead furs, a regular Akita can be brushed once or twice a week but a long haired Akita should be brushed 3 or more times.
  • Moderate exercise: Akita should exercise frequently, they should be taken for walks one to three times daily.
  • Lots of company: Akita are friendly animals ( to their owners) and they should be treated with care, they require company and attention over time.


Long Haired Akita Feeds

Owning a pet comes alongside its own responsibility and that of an Akita isn’t an exception, due to them appearing in bigger body sizes, the quantity of feed to be consumed by them would be way much higher

Traditionally, rice, fish and sea plants were the main foods of Akita dogs.

There should be a perfect balance of all the nutrients in the diet of an Akita for proper growth of the dog. Premium puppy food should be fed to them till the age of 4 months.

When you are feeding the home made food to an Akita, make sure that fresh ingredients are used in making the food and no preservatives have been used.


long haired akita

Conclusion on long-haired Akita

The long hair Akita is a breed or specie of Akita that have long hairs, there is however no major difference between long-haired Akita and regular Akita apart from that of the hair length, which is usually up to 5 inches in length.

This post was written by Israel for Animals District

Is there such a thing as a long-haired Akita?

Yes, long-haired Akitas, also known as “woolly” Akitas, exist. They are a variation of the Akita breed with a longer and thicker double coat compared to the more common short-haired variety.

Are long-haired American Akitas rare?

Long-haired American Akitas are relatively rare compared to the standard short-haired Akitas. The short-haired variety is more commonly seen and recognized.

What is the personality of a long-haired Akita?

Long-haired Akitas typically share the same personality traits as the standard short-haired Akitas. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature. They can be reserved with strangers but are generally affectionate and devoted to their family.

Where did the long-haired Akita come from?

The long-haired Akita is believed to have originated from the same lineage as the short-haired Akita breed. Both varieties trace their roots back to Japan, where they were originally developed as hunting and guard dogs.

Long-coat American Akita price

The price of a long-haired American Akita can vary depending on factors such as the dog’s lineage, breeder reputation, and location. Generally, Akitas are considered a relatively expensive breed, and long-coat Akitas may be in high demand due to their rarity.

Long-haired Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu breed does not typically have a long-haired variety. Shiba Inus have a double coat, but their fur is generally short to medium in length.

Akita mix

An Akita mix refers to a dog that is a crossbreed between an Akita and another breed. The resulting mix can inherit traits from both parent breeds, including coat length and personality characteristics.

Black Akita

Akitas can come in various coat colors, including black. Black Akitas have a solid black coat without any significant white markings.

American Akita vs. Japanese Akita

The American Akita and the Japanese Akita are both variations of the Akita breed, but they are sometimes considered separate subtypes. The primary differences lie in their physical appearance and characteristics. American Akitas tend to have a larger, more robust build with a broader head, while Japanese Akitas have a more fox-like appearance with a more refined structure. The long coat variety can be found in both American and Japanese Akitas.

  • long haired akita

    long haired akita

  • long haired akita

    long haired akita

  • long haired akita

    long haired akita

  • long haired akita

  • long haired akita
  • long haired akita
  • long haired akita
  • long haired akita

Israel Olaniran is an accomplished animal content writer with five years of expertise in creating engaging and educational material about cats, dogs, and other animals. When he's not writing, he dedicates his time to caring for his beloved four-year-old rescue puppy. Israel's work has been featured in renowned publications like "Pethouse," and he actively collaborates with local animal shelters and rescue organizations to raise awareness about their important work. His vast knowledge in animal care and ownership, as well as his up-to-date understanding of various breeds, making him a trusted source for global readers seeking reliable pet content.

Domestic Animals

30 Fascinating Facts About Dogs You Probably Didn’t Know.



photo of person holding black and white dog
photo of person holding black and white dog, Photo by Bekka Mongeau on

Last Updated on March 25, 2024 by israel olaniran

We all love dogs, yeah? But how well do we know this beautiful creatures, Here are 30 fascinating facts you probably didn’t know about dogs, Add anyone you know in the comment section.

30 Fascinating Facts About Dogs

  • 1. Dogs are descendants of wolves and were domesticated by humans thousands of years ago.
  • 2. There are hundreds of dog breeds, each with its own unique characteristics and traits.
  • 3. The Basenji dog breed is known as the “barkless dog” because it produces a unique yodel-like sound instead of barking.
  • 4. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and can detect scents at concentrations as low as parts per trillion.
  • 5. The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, known for its friendly and outgoing personality.
  • 6. Dogs have three eyelids: an upper lid, a lower lid, and a third lid called the nictitating membrane, which helps keep their eyes moist and protected.
  • 7. The Border Collie is considered one of the most intelligent dog breeds and excels in activities like agility, herding, and obedience.
  • 8. Dogs have sweat glands only in their paw pads, so they primarily regulate their body temperature by panting.
  • 9. The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world, with some individuals weighing less than 2 pounds.
  • 10. Dogs have a highly developed sense of hearing and can detect sounds at frequencies much higher than humans.
huskeys dogs driving sled through white snow
Photo by Pixabay on
  • 11. The Australian Cattle Dog was bred to herd cattle and is known for its intelligence, agility, and endurance.
  • 12. Dogs have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years, although this varies depending on the breed and size of the dog.
  • 13. The Greyhound is one of the fastest dog breeds, capable of reaching speeds up to 45 miles per hour.
  • 14. Dogs have a “third eyelid” called the nictitating membrane, which helps keep their eyes moist and protected.
  • 15. The Dalmatian breed is famous for its distinctive black or liver spotted coat.
  • 16. Dogs are social animals that thrive on companionship and interaction with humans and other animals.
  • 17. The Siberian Husky is known for its endurance and ability to withstand cold temperatures.
  • 18. Dogs have an excellent sense of taste, with taste buds not only on their tongues but also on the roofs of their mouths and the back of their throats.
  • 19. The Beagle is known for its keen sense of smell and is often used in scent detection work.
  • 20. Dogs have a unique set of vocalizations, including barking, howling, whining, and growling, to communicate with humans and other dogs.

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  • 21. The Golden Retriever is a popular breed known for its friendly and gentle temperament, making it an excellent family pet.
  • 22. Dogs have an innate sense of hierarchy and social structure within their packs, which can influence their behavior and interactions with other dogs and humans.
  • 23. The Poodle is known for its intelligence and hypoallergenic coat, making it a popular choice for people with allergies.
  • 24. Dogs have an incredible sense of direction and can navigate using landmarks, scents, and celestial cues.
  • 25. The Bulldog breed is characterized by its loose, wrinkled skin, distinctive pushed-in nose, and muscular build.
  • 26. Dogs are capable of forming strong bonds with their human companions and are known for their loyalty and devotion.
  • 27. The German Shepherd is a versatile and intelligent breed often used in roles such as police work, search and rescue, and therapy.
  • 28. Dogs have whiskers, or vibrissae, located on their muzzle, eyebrows, and chin, which help them sense vibrations and navigate in dim light.
  • 29. The Shih Tzu is a small breed known for its long, flowing coat and friendly disposition.
  • 30. Dogs communicate using a combination of body language, vocalizations, and facial expressions to convey their emotions, needs, and intentions.

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