Domestic Animals

Can Rabbits Eat Parsley? ALL You Need To Know (2023)

Yes, Rabbits can eat parsley; parsley is an excellent source of nutrients/vitamins, e.g., vitamin K and Vitamin A; for rabbits/bunnies, parsley make a delicious dish for your pet rabbit if served well. Rabbits are known herbivores who feed on several plants, of which parsley is inclusive.



Hi guys, do you own a pet rabbit? And are you wondering or asking the question, “can rabbits eat parsley?” well, in this blog post, I will be answering that question, and I will also be listing a few fruits you can feed your rabbits.

can rabbits eat parsley? By Jonathunder – Own work, GFDL 1.2,

Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Yes, Rabbits can eat parsley; parsley is an excellent source of nutrients/vitamins, e.g., vitamin K and Vitamin A; for rabbits/bunnies, parsley make a delicious dish for your pet rabbit if served well. Rabbits are known herbivores who feed on several plants, of which parsley is inclusive.

Parsley is of two varieties; Flat leaf parsley and Curly leaf parsley; they’re both safe for your rabbit.

Parsley is an excellent dish to serve your rabbits. They’ll enjoy it, but you must be mindful not to feed them too much.

Parsley is nutritious and good fruit that is suitable for rabbits. However, one must be careful because some rabbits are not fond of eating parsley.

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Can Rabbits eat parsley stems?

Rabbits can eat the stems of parsley. They contain little but important nutrients calcium, fiber, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.

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Can Rabbits eat parsley leaves?

Rabbits can eat the leaves of parsley. This part of the parsley is sweet and easy for your rabbits to chew, strengthening their health. They contain essential nutrients like calcium, fiber, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. 

As a matter of fact, it contains most of the essential nutrients and has several functions. It has a different texture and taste that your rabbit will love. The seeds, leaves, roots, and stems are all used for medicinal purposes worldwide.


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What Nutrients Does Parsley Contain?

Parsley provides various nutrients and vitamins to humans and animals; here are a few of the nutrients that can be found in 100g of parsley.

  • Water (87.7g)
  • Vitamin A (8420 IU)
  • Vitamin K (1640 µg)
  • Potassium (554mg)
  • Phosphorous (58mg)
  • Calcium (138 mg)
  • Iron (6.2mg)
  • Copper (0.149mg)
  • Zinc (1.07mg)

Source: Food Data Central US Department Of Agriculture

There are many more vitamins and nutrients in parsley; the list above is just a few.

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Advantages Of Feeding Parsley To Your Rabbits (Health Benefits)

There are many health benefits of feeding parsley to your rabbits; here are some of the significant health benefits of feeding parsley to your rabbits.

  • Longer Life: Vegetables, in particular, can increase the life span of rabbits because of the additional vitamins that parsley provides.
  • Stronger Muscles: Parley is rich in vitamins and helps build and develop stronger muscles for rabbits and humans.
  • Stronger Bones: parsley contain a fair portion of calcium, and calcium helps make the bones. So parsley does help in strengthening the bones of humans and rabbits.

It’s a source of Vitamin K, which is required to prevent blood from a clot.

Although it isn’t yet confirmed scientifically, it is believed that parsley may be connected to treating kidney issues, constipation, and obstructions.

It helps prevent liver damage as well as provides other health advantages.

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Disadvantages of Over Feeding Parsley To Your Rabbits

 Parsley provides a lot of vitamins and nutrients to rabbits. It is very, very dangerous to feed a lot of parsley to your rabbits; here are some disadvantages of feeding your rabbits too much parsley.

  • Stomach Upset: parsley contains too many vitamins and nutrients which can cause stomach upset when consumed in much/large quantities.
  • Stooling: Your rabbits can start frequently stooling whenever it consumes too much parsley

There are many other disadvantages of overfeeding your rabbit’s parsley.

It has a low level of calories. It could make your rabbit lose weight.
It could cause intestinal upsets, GI Stasis, or diarrhea.
It could damage rabbits’ organs and digestive systems if overfed because of its high mineral content.

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Steps In Feeding A Rabbit/Bunny Parsley

  • Select and pick only fresh, ripe parsley.
  • Wash parsley leaves and stem with clean water properly and thoroughly.
  • Cut the parsley into tiny chewable bits
  • Dish in a clean plate or bowl.

Parsley must be carefully and thoroughly washed under running water to remove germs, pesticides, herbicides or wax that may be attached to it. You’re advised to serve parsley alongside other green leaves such as cilantro, lettuce, carrot top, spring green, basil, raspberry leaves and so on. Only give fresh or organic parsley to your rabbit.

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How Often Should I Feed My Bunnies Parsley?

Parsley is not a full-course meal for rabbits, hence, they should only be fed about 2 – 3 times a week, unless it’s served alongside other green leaves or plants. Beware of overfeeding your rabbit with parsley. Could be toxic. Not to be served to bunnies that are less than 10 -12 weeks old.

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The recommended amount of parsley for your bunny is 1 cup of chopped 5-6 different types of leafy greens per 2 pounds of rabbit body weight. This is because a rabbit’s digestive system depends on high fiber especially cellulose and high-calorie foods such as hay (especially grassy hay) as they aid in its digestion process.

Fruits And Vegetables Rabbits Can Eat

There are many fruits and vegetables you can feed your rabbits, these fruits and vegetables offer a variety of nutrients to rabbits. some of these fruits and vegetables include:

1Rabbits can eat parsley
2Parsley is a good source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron
3Parsley can help improve digestion and freshen the breath in rabbits
4Parsley should be fed to rabbits in small amounts as a supplement to their regular diet
5Hay should be the primary source of nutrition for rabbits
6Parsley should be introduced to rabbits gradually to observe their reaction
7Rabbits may have allergic reactions to parsley, so watch out for symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and digestive upset
8It is important to consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to a rabbit’s diet
9Parsley should be washed thoroughly before feeding to remove any pesticides or other contaminants.
10Parsley leaves and stems are safe for rabbits to consume, but the root should be avoided as it can cause stomach upset.
Facts about rabbits eating parsley
Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Conclusion On Can Rabbits Eat Parsley?

Rabbits can eat parsley; parsley is an excellent source of nutrients/vitamins, e.g., vitamin K and Vitamin A; for rabbits/bunnies, parsley make a delicious dish for your pet rabbit if served well. Rabbits are known herbivores who feed on several plants, of which parsley is inclusive.

Parsley is a good choice of meal for your bunny, as it is completely safe for it, provided eaten in moderation. All parts of the parsley plant are safe to eat; stem, leaf, and in all manners; vegetable, spice or garnish. However, you should start with just a sprig of parsley for the first time and observe your bunny for negative effects or indigestion, otherwise, you can increase its intake by a little.

This post was written by Gbemisola and Israel for Animals District


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